高松市公式ホームページ もっと高松


Request to All the Citizens(Requests When Using the Sewer)


When foreign matter flows into the sewer…

pulling up the pump

The pump in the sewer manhole is clogged with foreign matter, so the vehicle with a crane is pulling up the pump and remove the obstruction. It’s a nuisance to the neighbors and passersby.

The inside of the pump

The inside of the pump was clogged with foreign matter.
If a pump fails, the sewer line gets clogged and cannot send sewage to the treatment plant, making it difficult to keep the city beautiful and clean.
As a result, we will be restricting the use of the water supply until the pump is repaired.

cloth that was stuck

Here is an actual piece of cloth that was stuck.
Not only hard materials, but also soft ones can clog the pump.
Oil can also clog sewer pipes and sewerage facilities. In addition, it can have a negative impact on treatment at sewage plants.

When in trouble…

If you have accidentally flush a foreign object, or if you are having trouble, please contact us at the following:

Contact Information
For consultation on construction of drainage system at home: Wastewater Operations Section 087-839-2717
If there is no drainage or damage to sewer manholes, please contact: Wastewater Construction Section 087-839-2771
If a foreign object is discharged into the sewer system: Wastewater Facility Section 087-842-5421



〒761-8012 高松市香西本町762香東川浄化センタ-・管理棟1階

